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Environmental Services

Endangered Species Studies and Management

We have performed endangered species studies, and are knowledgeable with respect to the issues pertaining to the management of threatened and endangered species. Endangered Red-cockaded woodpeckers (RCWs) are present on several of our tracts. 

Prescribed Burning

All three DKK members are well experienced SC Certified Prescribed Fire Managers. We use prescribed fire as an element of site preparation for tree planting in some instances; but it is mainly used by our clients for maintenance of the longleaf pine ecosystem, aesthetic reasons and wildlife habitat improvement. Prescribed burning improves the habitat not only for traditional game species such as quail, deer and turkeys, but also for RCWs. 

Longleaf Pine

In addition to prescribed fire, we use herbicides and harvest practices in the establishment and maintenance of the longleaf pine ecosystem. We manage for natural longleaf regeneration on Brookgreen Gardens, and have under planted longleaf on Hasty Point Plantation and other properties. We plant around 300,000 longleaf seedlings per year. 

Forest Certification

We assist landowners with the certification of their woodlands through the various certifying entities. Price premiums for certified wood are available in some instances. 

Carbon Sequestration

We have participated in carbon sequestration projects. In less intensive timber management situations, they can be a way to monetize some of the non harvested timber value. 

Conservation Easements

Tim is on the Board of the Pee Dee Land Trust (PDLT), and is chairman of its Land Protection Committee; which is where the terms of conservation easements are determined and recommended to the Board. Tim's family LLC is the donor of conservation easements on two properties to PDLT. DKK manages land with conservation easements held not only by PDLT, but also The Nature Conservancy, Ducks Unlimited, The Low Country Open Land Trust, The South Carolina Department of Natural Resources and the City of Camden. Some easements were in place before we began managing the respective properties. On those placed during our tenure, we gave advice not only on whether or not an easement was appropriate for the landowner and the property, but also on the terms and conditions of the easement. Conservation easements are not for every property or every landowner; but under the right circumstances, they can help meet landowner goals and objectives and generate substantial tax benefits. Timber management is not normally impacted by conservation easements. 


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    Dargan, King and Knight, LLC

    133 Cashua St

    Darlington, SC 29532

    P.O. Box 246 

    Darlington, SC 29540

    Phone: (843) 395-0068



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