Wellons Tract
List price: $245,000
The Wellons Tract is located in Florence County, approximately 2.5 miles west of Coward on Salem Road (SC Highway 541) and Truman Road. The approximate physical address is 1000 Salem Road; coordinates are 33.959,-79.788. It has a 20-acre field, the predominant soil type of which is Duplin. Woodland soils are Coxville and Lynchburg. There is a Florence County Salem Community Watershed Conservation District canal through the property. It and the drainage enhancement done by the landowners at the time of its construction, have made this a relatively well drained tract for lower Florence County. The woodland is well stocked with approximately 25-year old planted and natural pine, and has been thinned. Properly marketed, the current timber value is in excess of $100,000. Our estimated timber volumes are listed below, for information only.
Pine Chip&Saw/Sawtimber: 3,350 tons
Standing Pine Pulpwood: 2,670 tons
For additional information or assistance, contact Tim Dargan: (843) 687-1612, tdargan@dkkforesty.com; or visit dkkforestry.com.